Friday, October 30, 2009

Tooth Trouble

Unbearable tooth ache sent me to the dentist yesterday an as I was dreading, I need root canal. If I had only gone a month earlier I wouldn't have needed it, but I needed pain to prompt me to go. But this whole dentist thing also just reminds me that I need to take Bilaal for his first ever visit to the dentist. It is actually long overdue and fortunately he hasn't had any problems with his teeth, but I've been told that children should go for a check-up and polish as soon as they have a full set of teeth!So now I first have to get thus root canal ou the way. But what I've done is to book my next appointment in the afternoon, so Bilaal will have to go with me and that will be his introduction to the dentist... role modelling in action! If he can see his mommy bravely enduring all that scratching around in my mouth it won't be so daunting when it's his turn. Of course this will only work if I actually am brave, Fortunately, with this not being my first root canal I am pretty confident that I won't be flinching with pain. Been there, done that, got the root canal so to speak. If anyone reckons my plan will backfire and have the reverse effect, let me know.


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