Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dealing with Discipline

Today we took Bilaal to a party. He was looking forward to this party since Monday when his dad brought the invitation home. He was counting sleeps off every night and then this morning we almost didn't go! He was being very naughty and I kept threatening that if he didn't behave he wouldn't go, until finally it was the last straw and his dad told him we were going to stay home. It broke my heart when he cried so bitterly, especially because I knew how excited he was. For goodness sake the child was awake at 6am already! But at the same time, I had given him numerous warnings, but he just kept acting like a spoiled brat. After a lot of crying and 'discussions' with dad, they came to a compromise. Bilaal was tasked with cleaning up his room and thinking about his behaviour, and then to come and tell us how he was going to change his behaviour. After some more discussion we agreed that he could still go to the party. It just got me thinking though that as children we don't realise that it isn't easy for parents to discipline and especially to know what the right discipline is... does the punishment fit the crime so to speak. I do believe though that a united front between parents is crucial. There have been many times when Yaasier and I have disagreed about discipline, but we always discuss it in afrikaans or away from little ears. I just hope we are doing the best we can for our little boy, who really is a very good boy most of the time!


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