Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My brave Girl!

So the injections went well again just like the last time. just before, Sumayah was all smiles with the nurse and she kept saying, "Aah I don't like it went they all smily with me..." and i keot thinking, "so she doesn't feel bad stabbing a grumpy baby?" But back to Sumayah, she cried when that ever so long needle pierced her thighs but as soon as I picked her up she stopped and guess what? She actually started smiling again! She is such a brave little soul. The nurse warned me that the second injection is usually worse than the first as she will be more unsettled this time, but it actually wasn't too bad. She did need a little extra love and attention, but overall i think the Panado did a good job settling her! Now she has to go again next month! I don't remember going so often with Bilaal, but I guess the schedule has changed somewhat and now there's still the new measles vaccine at 9 months too.

I sommer got to ask the nurse about introducing solids, because S has been more unsettled at night lately, not sleeping as well as before. She said I could start the cereal no problem. On the one hand I am so excited to start this new milestone, but on the other hand introducing solids means alot of extra feeding to add to the schedule. it's wierd it's like you want them to grow and develop, but at the same time you really just want to keep them so cute and cuddly for as long as you can, cos you blink your eye and you find yourself applying for grade R already... but that's a topic for another blog entry all on its own!


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