Wednesday, October 28, 2009

sleep progress

So I been taking my own advice and trying to get Sumayah to fall asleep on her own in the day. So far it works for the morning nap, but the late afternoon nap, when i am most busy is when she puts up a fight. Everytime she cries I pick her up to console her then put her down again, she sleeps about 5 mins in total then she cries again. But i look at the positive side, i'm getting lots of exercise walking up and down the stairs every 5 minutes! I do feel bad though that poor Bilaal has to entertain himself while I juggle cooking and sleep training in the afternoons. The good news is that her for 2 nights in a row now, she has fallen asleep by herself at the night sleep (about 10pm) and has now stretched her sleep to 3.30am. if she keeps this up, hopefully by the end of the week she will be going at least till 4.30am, that's my target for now. When she starts having more solids in the day I will target a later wake time, but she is after all only 3 months old!Speaking of the feeding issue, I'm thinking I'm gonna start her on veggies next week. Apparently sweet potatoe are the least allergenic followed by the squash family, so that's what I'll start with.


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