Friday, October 16, 2009

My clever boy!

I don't recall at the age of 4, being able to add already? Mommy if you read this... could I add at aged 4? I know every parent think their child is the most gorgeous, most super intelligent in the world (as it should be), but seriously I am super impressed with my kid! This morning he kept coming to me with different simple additions like 1+1=2. Now I was already impressed he can now add simple number under 5 on his fingers, but then he came out with 6+6=12 and with only a little help could figure out 10+10=20! Well needless to say this game continued all morning cos he could tell I was proud of him and kids are like that - once they've cottoned onto something fun or something they did well, they become obsessed with it. I guess that is why its so important we always build our kids up by letting them know how proud we are even when they just TRY something. As an occupational therapist, I often cam across children who struggle with a learning difficulty, but you know what their biggest barrier to learning is?...Lack of CONFIDENCE. Children inherently know when they have a learning problem and this causes them to avoid learning tasks, which in turn provides less opportunity for mastery... a vicious cycle!

I hereby commit to positive parenting... I will build my kids up and be proud of all their efforts, successful or not. For success lies in the DESIRE TO LEARN and not merely the learning itself!


  1. Your kids are blessed to have you as their Mom :) Wish we could have a coffee and chat, love these conversations

    Nadimah (Salih's daughter)

  2. Thanks Nadimah. I guess we all try our best, but its all easier said than done!

    At least with this blog, faraway gran can keep track of the littlies and the days of our lives.
