Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kids say the darndest things

I found the book where I had started recording some of the sweet and funny things Bilaal says and had a good ooh and aaah and a little chuckle.

One morning Bilaal told his dad, "I want to be your grandfather". When we told him that wasn't possible he was quite upset. When we asked him why, he said, "'cos I want to live with you when I'm old"!

Then there was the day I fetched him from school and he asked me if I got the message from his dad. So I asked him what message he said, "I told daddy to send you a message today to say that he love you".
When I asked Yaasier about this he confirmed that Bilaal did infact ask him to do that because "mommy will like that".

He really is a very charming boy, many of the girls' mommies at his school often come up to me to tell me that he is so sweet and charming because he comes up to them and gives them hugs and kisses and tells them they are beautiful... can you imagine what a problem I'm gonna have with the girls when he is a teenager!

Then there's the morning I was in a bit of a foul mood and he said to Yaasier, "mommy's cross today, you better be on your best behaviour"! That was certainly a clue that I should lighten up.

There are also many funny quips when it comes to Bilaals great-granny. When he was much younger, about 2 he asked her why she had snakes in her hands... he was of course referring to the veins and wrinkles on her hands! and then more recently... now you must understand that Mama Gaya is hard of hearing in the one ear, which we are all aware of, especially Bilaal. Bilaal like playing a game where he pretends to tell you secrets by whispering swee nothings in your ear. This one day we were driving so he obviously couldn't whisper in my ear, so he says to Mama Gaya, "close your one ear that you can hear with, I want to tell mommy a secret". We had such a good chuckle that day.

One thing, he really loves his Mama Gaya. When my mom phoned from the UK the day before she was coming to visit for Sumayah's birth, she told Bilaal she was going to bring the movie Mama Mia. Bilaal became quite agitated with her and said, "but why do you want to bring Mama Mia, I already have a Mama Gaya anfd a Mama Zarina (grandmother), I don't need a Mama Mia..."

Now Bilaal has adjusted very well to his new sister... the only time he showed some insecurity before she was born was when I set up the cot in my room. He had already asked us before this where she was going to sleep, 'cos he normally cuddled with us in the mornings so he was worried there wouldn't be space for him anymore. So when I had the cot up I asked him, "can you see now where the baby's gonna sleep?", to which he replied, "Ya, but why is the cot in your room?"
So I asked him where he thought the cot was supposed to go, and Bilaal replies, "downstairs..." with an uncertain smile on his face. Now you must understand, all our bedrooms are upstairs with the kitchen and living areas downstairs. SO I asked him how can the baby sleep downstairs all alone in the cold while we all sleeping warm and snuggly upstairs? He thought about this for a bit till he finally said, "but she can have blankets to keep her warm".

Then of course there was the day Sumayah was born. She was born at 1.15 in the morning so Bilaal came with his dad to see us in the hospital later that morning. He peered into the cot and the very first words that came out of his mouth was, "I'm your brother... and I'm first"! But bless him he loves her to bits now. The first thing he does every morning is peer into her cot to greet her, he even uses the bay tone us adults use when we coo at babies.


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