Monday, November 16, 2009

You say Tomaytoe, I say Tomartoe

The other day Bilaal and I had a classic case of miscommunication. He reminded me about it in the car and we had a good chuckle. You see I have one of those plastic London aprons with the guard in the red uniform and the tall black fur helmet standing the length of the apron. One day when I was wearing it, Bilaal came to me and without making reference to the apron, asked me, "Mommy, what is a guard?"

So I launched into a whole philosophical definition in as simple terms as a 4-yr old can handle about "God"! I started explaining to him that God is not human and is present everywhere and that as muslims we believe that there is only one God and we call him Allah and that nothing comes equal to God...etc...etc...

All the while Bilaal patiently listened to me until I asked him, "Do you understand? What made you ask?"
To which Bilaal replied, "Yes I understand, but what is the guard on your apron?"
I looked at him blankly and then burst out laughing. Of course he had no idea why I was laughing, but he happily chuckled along. Then I explained to him that I was laughing because I misunderstood his question and that I was a very silly mommy! LOL!