Friday, November 26, 2010

Forget me not!

Yesterday a friend and I took the kids to the Mama Magic Baba Indaba at the Dome. On the website it said the Barney show was at 11am and 3pm, so we diligently arrived at 2pm with the idea that we would walk around till 2.30pm, go nice and early to the Barney show and then we can be on our way home by 3.30pm.... perfect planning right? Well we get there only to discover that the Barney show times are 1pm and 4pm! Now that just throws all our perfect planning out the window. Apparently the internet times were the old times from May that they forgot to change on the website! So that left us with 2 whole hours before the Barney show! Thankfully all 3 kids were pretty well behaved as we walked the expo flat and spent far too much money on things like nappy bins and refills (see Margot's blog post eau-de-baby-shit on this topic). Finally 3.30pm and we made our way to the grand finale of our expedition, the much anticipated Barney show. now for those of you who have not been, there is a 'pram park' facility, where you can park your pram in a secure area while you attend the show. But deary deary me, this mum had 'muis neste' as my hubby's garnny would say. I parked my pram, sorted my parcels, made sure I had the right bag with me and hurried to meet my friend outside the pram park, Bilaal in tow. As we were walking away from the pram, Bilaal asked me, "mommy is this a place to park the prams?"... "Yes Bilaal!"... "But mommy, what about Sumayah?!"

And that's when I realised, I was walking away from my pram with my child still strapped inside! I immediately went back and then Bilaal and I just burst out laughing. What a wonderful mother you have Sumayah, she leaves you in the pram park while she goes to the Barney show!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, these are the stories you're going to love forever :D
