Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sleep Saga Chronicles continued

Things seem to be improving a weeee bit. On Sunday we had a lovely picnic at the park for a friend's birthday. The last good sleep Sumayah had was 10am the morning for about an hour (pleasant surprise!) and after that she had about a 15 minute nap at about 2.30pm and no matter how hard I tried she simply would not have her late afternoon nap. So one would think with the lack of sleep and all the fun excitement of the beautiful outdoors that she would have no problem sleeping when night fell... well you thought wrong. We didn't have the grace period of the witching hour. Madam decided to wake from 9pm onward for every hour and then from 10.30pm itt was just impossible to even get her to fall into a light sleep. I would be walking up and down in the dark with her for an hour and she would be staring up at me with big bright eyes. Not even drowsy or droopy! Now I know the Baby Sense will tell you that an overtired, overstimulated child becomes hyperactive and unable to settle into a restful sleep... but come on... 4 hours later surely she should at least be showing signs of sleepiness after being rocked and bobbed and patted and swayed?! Only at about 3.30am did she decide that she was now tired and just dozed off... in the bed of course.

So yesterday I bought some rescue remedy thinking that maybe she just has a very restless mind and needs something to calm her at night. That is something other that the whole Baby Sense precribed 'setting the stage for sleep' routine I have been following to no avail. So last night still presented some sleep problems but not as bad. She woke a few times before midnight again, but was definately sleepy enough to pat her to sleep in her cot. Finally she had a good stretch of sleep from 10pm till the midnight witching hour. I picked her up and patted her to sleep on my chest in our bed, but then put her back in the cot and what do you know she actually slept through till 5.45am! Now I don't know if it was the rescue remedy that did the trick or something else I may have done differently last night, but I sure am going to use the homeopathy again tonight! 

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