Monday, May 3, 2010

Lost... Sense of Sillyness... If found please return

I have always thought of myself as a patient person, but in reality I am not. This has become particularly apparent to me since Bilaal was a toddler. But the worst thing is that this lack of patience has sapped my sense of sillyness over the years. In one of my very early posts I spoke about positive parenting... well that's easier said than done. So you may be wondering what on earth am I blabbering on about...

You see I realise that I have lost my sense of humour somewhere along the continuum of the humdrum of child rearing activities. Bilaal is naturally very playful, as children should be, but I often miss opportunities to be simply silly and horse around and laugh at stupid things because I'm always trying to get things done. This was made apparent to me by Sumayah,s reactions to Bilaal when he does silly things. Things that annoy me or feels like time-wasting is adored by Sumayah. She loves it when he tries to give her a fright with a big 'Boo!' or pretends to fall over putting on his pyjama pant, or when he throws the soft toy against my head while I am dressing her. Tonight I was getting annoyed as usual for something silly he was doing, I can't even remember anymore what it was and I stopped and said to myself, 'Heellloo! Lighten up! Have a laugh!'

I don't remember when last I tickled Bilaal till we both couldn't laugh anymore or chased him around the house for no reason or gave him a good old fright... I don't want to be a boring mom. I want to be fun and exciting to be around and not just the one who takes care of his basic needs. It's gonna take work, but I need to get back in touch with my inner child.


  1. wow i can totally relate to that, im the same way with thameenah. its funny how i have much more patience with rayaan than with her, because i assume since shes older she should be more grown up! but maybe i should be more child like and in that way connect more with her. thanks for the insight!

  2. I totally agree with you> We shouldn't let ourselves get overwhelmed with the "mumdrum" of it all... Glad that you made me think about it again!

  3. oh geez, I so hear you. my guy is always playing and being silly with my kids. they love it. but he has the energy cos its his way of letting off steam after a serious intense day at the office. for me, well, its seldom fun. And that is just downright sad. :-( I always used to be the fun one, now I am the moaning, groaning, rule-making one. sucky.

  4. What a great reminder. Thanks - couldn't have come at a better time. Feeling a bit serious myself...
