Friday, April 16, 2010

Well that went rather well!

Last night we had some friends over for supper and Yaasier was relaying a story to them about our recent road trip to Durban. I somehow forgot all about this little gem from Bilaal. Anyways, we were on the road to Durban and Yaasier was driving a little bit over the speed limit (tsk, tsk)  and we were pulled over. The traffic officer came over and informed Yaasier of his speed and then reprimaded him when she saw the littlies in the car. But kindly, because our speed wasn't that bad, she let us off with a stern warning. As she was walking away and Yaasier was rolling up the window Bilaal said in a rather adult tone, "Well that went rather well!"
While I was supressing a little giggle in the back seat, an amused Yaasier asked him, "Where do come on that?" To which Bilaal replied, "I heard it on t.v. once and I always wanted to say that"!


  1. Oh one must love them ... or turn the radio really loud, so you can't hear them say the most inappropriate things.
