Thursday, April 1, 2010


I think Sumayah has insomnia. Last night at about 2.30am she woke up and just couldn't fall back to sleep. We tried rocking, walking, shushing, singing, reciting prayers, sitting, lying, leaving her to cry... but the little bugger just wouldn't drop off. The eyes kept drooping and rolling and she seemed quite settled and content on the arm, but she just couldn't cross the bridge into that blissful state of deep sleep. On top of that Bilaal had a slight tummy bug... again! and since he is not yet proficient at cleaning his own poepgatjie, every hour he would come into the room announcing that he was going to make a number 2 so that I would know to be on bum cleaning alert! I think I only got some shut-eye at about 5am?! Madame eventually fell asleep in our bed with alot of tossing and turning in her sleep, yet she still managed to wake up at 6.30am ready for breakfast. Now given her lack of nightly slumber one would assume that her usual morning nap would happen easily, but Nay! The little insomniac managed to skip her nap all together until she evetually just dropped off at about 12h30, just when I wanted to give her lunch. She was so tired even when I lifted her out of the car she carried on sleeping  in a head-upright position. But don't breathe a sigh of relief yet, because this beauty sleep only lasted about 30 mins! Aha as we speak she has just woken up from her afternoon nap after only about 30 mins again. Better go see if I can get her to drift off for at least another 20 min? perhaps? maybe?

1 comment:

  1. Shame! There IS something that is bothering her, I'm sure! Good luck!
