Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday Mishap!

Yesterday my most faithful reader, my brother Rameez commented on my facebook profile about my wordless wednesday post asking, 'a bit too early?' To give you a clue as to how slow motion my brain has been operating this past 2 days let me tell you I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he meant by that. It was only now when I wanted to catch up on some blog reading and I noticed my fellow blogger Karen posted her Wordless Wednesday picture today that I realised that I was a day early! This I tell you is the effect being sick has on a mother's mind. On Monday morning I went to see my students at their fieldwork placement and I was feeling fine. And then, when I got home at about 11.30am, it was like a wave of flu just suddenly crashed over my head. I started to feel cold even though the sun was shining outside and I was dressed like an eskimo; my body was aching and paining from head to toe, and my throat was all warm and sore. Thank goodness Abigail was there so I could take a 20minute power nap before getting ready to fetch Bilaal. because even when you are feeling like the dog's breakfast, the 'mumdrum' of life must go on.

It was only when Yaasier cam home and the kids had supper that I could get into bed and bury myself under the covers. By 7pm I was lights out still wearing my eskimo clothes with a fleece gown and wooly slippers added on top of that and my brand new Mothers Day beanie a couple of good friends gave me, all bundled under the blankets and duvet! The next day I felt much better, off to see my students again, even managing to mark their work and give them feedback I think they understood? But that little bit of thinking took so much energy out of me that by the afternoon when Bilaal was home I needed another sleep. Thank goodness for playstation and t.v! I know, a very un-OT like comment to make. But when you are in serious need of some shut-eye recovery time. these evils of our technological age are fantastic babysitters! I locked us upstairs with Bilaal at the playstation and cbeebies on the tele and slept away. So I think I can be forgiven for thinking it was Wednesday already when I finally came to my senses right?

So anyway, I am far less of a porridge brain today, although my throat still feels very inflamed, but I am back to my usual functional self!


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