Friday, May 6, 2011

Foody Friday

So a few people have been reminding me that I have been neglecting my blog yet again! But I think we all can be forgiven for falling off the earth only slightly over these many holiday breaks. I must say we had a fabulous time over Easter. Yaasier's folks flew up from CT and the we all drove down to Durbs for a few days. It was awesome! The kids had a blast with the doting grandparents and the grandparents got some much needed rest. And Yaasier and I could baljaar in the deliciously warm and wild waves of the Umhlanga coast like we were kids again. Bilaal and I even built a sand castle. And what do you know Sumayah actually enjoyed the beach! In Cape Town she hates the wind and the cold sea water, but in Durbs she was right in the water along with us, still holding on for dear life, but loving it!

So this week it was back to the daily grind. But I must say it's been a quiet start for me, which is good, 'cos Yaasier started his new job this week, so it helped that I wasn't too hectic too. Its also given me time to focus on my website project, but details about that is for another post.

So what has all this got to do with the title of my post? Well 2 Fridays ago already I had this idea to do a foody post every friday. Seeing as how food is such a big part of the 'mum drum' of my life I may as well share some of it here. So evertime I make something I wish to share on my blog I will take a photo of the completed dish and post it with the recipe on Foody Fridays! Any other bloggers out there are free to join in ;-) Hopefully next week will be my first installment so watch this space!


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