Sunday, May 29, 2011

Misery loves company

The season of sickness is upon us! Everywhere you turn there's someone coughing or sniffing and our house has been no exception! This is the reason I haven't blogged in some time. We have just had an endless cycle of misery doing the rounds. It started with Bilaal, then to me, then back to Bilaal, then Sumayah, me again and now finally, Yaasier. Now I realise getting sick is inevitable, but I usually don't get affected as badly as I did this time. All I wanted to do was crawl deep under the covers for a few days and sleep. But of course there is no sick leave when your job description is 'mommy'. There's still kids to feed and bath and fetch from school and all the rest. I was in Dischem the other day buying a humidifier for the kids' rooms when a complete stranger came up to me and asked me 'are you sick, you look very sick?'. I was taken aback but I answered yes to which she replied, 'shame you shouldn't be out.' When this happens you know you look terrible! I am happy to report though that I am feeling much better and so are the kids. But I have learned from this experience that Sumayah has the worst sick personality ever! Bilaal is crabby yes and just wants his mommy to hold him and comfort him a little, but Sumayah! Wow I have to say I had absolutely no patience with her when she was sick... She turned into a little monster! Now I know I'm not supposed to say that and feel all tender and loving toward my sick little baby girl... Fek that! I am only expressing the truth. And the truth is that I do not like her very much when she is sick and I am soooo glad she is better or I swear I would've gone potty. Here's to everyones health this winter!

1 comment:

  1. Hop you are better by now... I don't do well with sick people around me, so you are definitely forgiven for not enjoying a sick toddler ;-)
    Thanks for your advise about the plagiarism. I am going to try it!
