Friday, May 13, 2011

Foody Friday: Garlic Mushroom Risoni

This is my first foody friday post, so I must make something very clear. I do not claim in anyway or anyhow to be some masterchef, gourmet kitchen goddess. So the point is not to amaze and delight with my cooking wonder or to reveal some self discovered culinary secrets. In fact I may just find myself sharing some of my mishaps share...and to learn. The whole point of foody friday is that I am a regular mum with regular cooking abilities and I like to cook for my family food they will enjoy. But sometimes, in fact often the mumdrum of the kitchen just annoys me and I find myself feeling like I want to reach out to the culinary creativity in me and maybe learn something new. So here is where I will share my favourite good 'ol faithful regular dishes as well as any adventures I may embark on in the kitchen (even the failed ones!).
The first recipe is one such adventure. Yaasier once told me about this risotto dish he had at a Primi that he really enjoyed and it sounded so tasty that I decided to try tom make it. So i did what any good cook does in need of a recipe and I Googled it. I came across many recipes and settled on the simplest method. The first time I made this was ages ago, could even be over a year ago and what I didn't realise then was that Risotto is not the same as Risoni. Even Bilaal could've told that Mommy! They only sound SIMILAR not the SAME! But as far as I recall it tasted quite good. But typically I didn't write down the recipe. So the other day I wanted to make it again and this time I actually Googled both Risotto and Risoni and discovered that while Risotto was made with arborio rice and Risoni with pasta rice, you could actually make it in exactly the same way and the only difference will be in the texture. So I once again combined all the simplest recipes and ingredients and tried making it and it was really nice. So here it is:
Fresh mushrooms
1tsp garlic
1 Chicken stock cube
Risoni rice
Parsley (optional)
Parmesan (but i didn't have so I used regular cheddar and it was till delish)
Ok so you may notice there aren't really any quantities it's because it depends how much mushrooms you like and how amny people you making for so you just have to judge. And its not like baking, the risoni want flop, its all about the method.
Make the chicken stock mixture on according to the packet instructions. The one I used was dissolved in 2 cups boiling water. Then set aside.
Sautee the mushrooms on med high heat till dry and set aside.
Melt some butter and garlic in a pot then add risoni
Stir-fry the risoni briefly till covered in butter.
Now add the chickenstock mixture little at a time, ensuring the risoni is always just covered in liquid. Stir continuously (never allowing the risoni to cook dry) until it is cooked al dente, approx 15mins. If you run out of stock before cooking is complete you can use boiling water. The risoni must have a creamy texture.
Remove from heat and stir in mushrooms, some chopped parsley, a little butter and some cheese. Then serve with a sprinkling of cheese. And that's it! Enjoy!


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