Monday, August 30, 2010

Thump in the night!

During the course of the night Sumayah usually ends up in bed with us. I really don't mind, but now that we are fasting and need to wake up at 4.30am to eat breakfast before the sun rises, it can pose a slight problem. Let us take this morning as an example. When the alarm went off, Sumayah was sound asleep in the bed and we were left with the predicament... do we leave her undisturbed in the bed knowing that she may roll off or wake for her bottle and fall off?... or do we pick her up to put her in her cot and risk waking her and end up with a little bright-eyed girl sitting regop at the breakfast table at 4.30 in the morning asking for a slice of our toast?

I looked at Yaasier and mouthed out quietly, "do you think we can leave her in the bed?" He nodded yes and that was that. I placed the pillow around her and we went downstairs. About half hour later while enoying a pastrami sandwich, we heard a Thump! Yaasier and i looked at each other and Yaasier asked, "Did Sumayah just fall off the bed now?" which was immediately followed by the sound of Sumayah crying. i flew up the stairs faster than I knew possible and when I entered the dark room I saw the shape of a tiny head on the other side of the bed looking around the room.

Shampies man she looked so small and vulnerable, but actually wasn't crying much. I don't think she really got hurt, more just of a fright and very annoyed. So we darem ended up sitting with her at the breakfast table, poor thing!

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