Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm gonna moo you!

When Bilaal was still a wee lad learning all the various animal sounds, he would hook onto a favourite and then use it all the time. I blogged about an incident with the 'quack' sound in a previous post where I described the embarrassment he caused me because he instead used to say 'kak'. Well when it came to the cow sounds there was never any problem there. He always used to moo at us and say 'I'm gonna moo you', followed by a very animated 'mooo!' Of course we found this amusing, one because he was so adorable when he mooed and two because it sounded as though he was saying 'I'm gonna moer you', but since we were in the UK it didn't matter because the English wouldn't know this. So we used to laugh and continue our bemusement everytime he said this, which of course true to Pavlovian theory reinforced the behaviour. Naturally as his communication skills advanced, he outgrew this little game and proceeded to drive us nuts with incessant talking and questions. Well... for some reason Bilaal has recently re-adopted this phrase recently and at first when he used to say it in the house I didn't really bother much about it because of course I know the story behind it. But then one day the neighbour's kid was at our house and while they were playing I heard Bilaal saying to the boy, 'I'm gonna moo you, i'm gonna moo you!'. And then I realised, what if this kids goes to tell his parents and it is totally misunderstood. And then the following day we were getting out of the car at the shops and Bilaal says to me very loudly and with much zeal, 'Mommy, I'm gonna moo you, I'm gonna moo you mommy!' That turned a few heads! So when we arrived home I had to explain to him why he shouldn't say that anymore and thankfully so far he's listened!

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