Monday, June 14, 2010

Touch Wood

Touch wood that I am not blogging about this too soon... you know how it is that you are happy about something and just when you talk about it or write about it, something changes and your news is negated. Well hopefully that's not gonna happen here. See for the past 2 nights Sumayah has been sleeping ... fairly well. On Saturday night I found that everytime she cried, if she saw me peering over at her she just put her head back down and slept on, confirming the whole separation anxiety theory. So I opened the side cover of her camp cot so she could see me through the netting and evertime she cried out I put me hand against the net and shusshed her back to sleep. It actually worked quite well and the best part was that I didn't have to get out of bed. Ok so maybe I had to lie very low down on the bed and practically hang over the side with my arm freezing in the cold night air, but at least I got some shut-eye!

Then last night I rearranged our furniture slightly so that her camp cot is more alighned with my bed and her sleeping position corresponds with mine. And surprise surprise I think that may have done the trick. She slep through the witching hour and only started being restless from about 1.30 am. She never really woke up, only cried out slightly in her sleep and I could simply stretch out my arm and say 'sshh' and she would sleep on. She only woke at about 5am when I brought her to the bed and gave her a bottle.

Now here's to hoping that this can continue for ever more!


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