Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

On Sunday we had a late morning, all four of us lying in the bed, chatting and playing. Then Bilaal and I went to prepare breakfast and he practiced all morning to sing his daddy a special song. I still need to upload the pics and video, but in the mean time here is the movie I put together for Yaasier's birthday earlier this year. It just captures what an awesome, special daddy he is. He is always worrying that he doesn't spend enough time with the kids, but really he goes out of his to spend quality time with them. And although there are the obvious things like providing for them, keeping them safe and secure, clothed, fed and educated that makes him a good dad... it is the special things like taking Bilaal to play ball, teaching him things, holding Sumayah in his arms in the evenings, laughing together and praying together that makes him an extra special dad. So here is to my gorgeous hubby who I love to bits!

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