Friday, March 25, 2011

What happened with the ink...

A few days ago I updated my facebook status about the kids driving me potty and blue ink coming out in the bath. In hindsight I do realise that the update makes the incident sound far more dramatic than it actually was. With Bilaal growing up, he no longer watches 'baby' programmes on cbeebies, he's more into Ben 10 and Bakugon. But on the occasion, when Sumayah is watching cbeebies ( yes my kids watch tv ooo! Naughty OT mommy) Bilaal really gets into a show called 'Mr Maker'. The great thing is that it encourages him to explore his creative side (he's more of a numbers and logic guy). Without fail, he would scrammble around for art supplies to copy what Mr Maker is making. Of course the down side is that sometimes these activities involve messy supplies such as paint or glue and in this instance, ink! We do happen to have a bottle of blue calligraphy ink that we used for Yaasier's birthday project we made last year so I agreed to help him with his activity. I made I t very clear that he should do it outside, with his plastic cloth on the table, he should wear an apron and WAIT FOR ME TO OPEN THE INK. Of course between helping him set up his art station I was also trying to cook and answer the phone at the same time... And then there's also that small consideration of a little monkey named Sumayah. She was of course all around her boetie interested in what he was doing, all very exciting for her I can imagine. So anyway I stepped inside for a minute to get some newspaper for the patio floor and when I came back out, phone to my ear and newspaper in my hands, I find Bilaal just as he had opened the ink bottle, blue ink all over his hands, some on the table and Sumayah with a huge excited grin on her face rubbing her hands in it. Now those of you in the know, know that ink stains do not wash out easily, and the longer you wait the more they soak into the skin. When wet, they also transfer very easily. I was on the phone with Yaasier at the time and I had to cut him off mid sentence to tend to the situation before it became alot worse. Once the ink bottle was closed again and safely out of reach from little hands, I was left with T sets of hands that needed to be transported up the stairs and into the bath without touching anything on the way up, remembering of course to turn the stove off first. In the end the situation was contained, the ink came out after quite a bit of scrubbing and the supper was still ready on time. Beat that Martha Stewart :-P
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