Friday, March 25, 2011

My Blonde Moment

Due to the rain and thunder, we find ourselves lying in the dark, music playing from the phone, waiting for the electricity to come back on. I may as well use thid opportunity to blog about my blonde moment. No offense to some of the smartest peeps I know that happen to be blondes of course!

At school Bilaal's class does a different letter theme every 2 weeks or so. Last week they did the letter 'N' so he was trying to think of things with the letter to take to school for the interest table. Most of the things he thought of were not things he could put on the table, like 'nose' for instance. We were running out of ideas when Yaasier chirped in with his usual dry teasing humour... 'why don't you take a knife to school'... Knowing of course that Bilaal would be shocked and horrified at the suggestion not knowing that it doesn't actually start with a 'n'. Little did he know that mom would have the very same reaction... 'How can he take a knife to school! That's dangerous!... Unless you take a plastic knife'. Its only when Yaasier started laughing that I realised my little error heehee.
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