Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bilaal's first dentist visit

Yes, I know some of you might be thinking 'isn't it a bit late?' But you know the dentist was just never on the top of my to do list. I first made an appointment in Jan last year and kept postponing to make room for more pressing events until eventually I just cancelled altogether. I guess because Bilaal is very good with brushing his teeth and his not obsessive about sweets he's got lovely pearly whites and has never complained of toothache. But given that he is going to Grade R next year and he will be 6, the year children generally start losing their milk teeth, I figured I should better take him for a check-up and polish.

Bilaal has heard about visits to the dentist from children at school when they were learning about different professions, and we have some books and have had discussions about losing teeth, and he's even observed me undergoing root canal... but his first dental visit was still a huge deal for him. He wasn't scared at all, more curious. It was quite funny though, because he is quite a chatty boy, but when he is in a new/exciting situation he becomes more so. Usually patients get annoyed when the dentist keeps asking them questions while expecting them to say aaahh, but in Bilaal's case it was he doing all the talking in between each tooth being checked or polished. He was especially curious about the X-ray and kept insisting that he take it home!

In the end he was very proud of his certificate congratulating him for taking such good care of his teeth. He is still making up his mind though whether he would like the mouse or the fairy to visit him when he loses his first tooth (debate courtesy of Elliot Kid on Nickelodeon I think it is!)


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