Friday, July 16, 2010

Oh Poo!

Yesterday Yaasier came home early and we decided to take the kids to the park. We went to the nearby Kingfisher park because it has a huge open field where the boys can kick ball and play rugby. Unfortunately we stayed at the park for a shorter time than it takes us to get everyone out of the car! They should rename the park Dog Poo park. There wasn't a single spot of grass that the boys could safely run or tackle or roll around without the risk of landing some part of their anatomy in dogdie doodoos. So we left and went to the much smaller park at the library. No I have no problem with dogs or their owners, but I do think having one as a pet is just as much a responsibility as deciding to have a child. They require lots of love and attention, they need to be fed, they are often reprimanded and will eat anything that looks or smells even remotely edible off the floor. And if your kid is like Sumayah then they also both love eating shoes and rubbing their gums on the corners of the furniture! Yes, I did just compare my child to a pet dog!

You also need to provide both a place to do the smelly deed. Now to continue my comparison, if I go out with a baby, nappy bag in tow and baby does a skunk manoevre that cannot be ignored if death by intolerable fumes is to be avoided, I would whip out my handy changing mat, find a reasonably decent place to clean and change said nappy, and then... Now here is the key part... I would pick up the nappy and throw it in the nearest bin! So it really erks me when dog owners fulfill their rightful duty of taking their dogs for a walk/run/play in a public park meant for everyone and do not oblige to same decency. In the UK you will get fined if you get caught leaving your doggy doodoos lying around. They even have special doggie doodoo bins in all the parks and even provide little handy disposable poop scoops and packets in case you forgot yours.

Tell me fellow dog owners, is this an unreasonable request?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Just checking in on you? Hope you and the kids are well? Looking forward to your next post!
