Thursday, June 7, 2012

First school oral

I logged in today with the intention of giving a follow up report on Yusuf, but decided instead that this post about Bilaal and his first school oral is long overdue. A few weeks back, Bilaal came home with a homework task of preparing a 2 minute oral called 'My Family'. Bilaal is very confident about speaking in front of the class, in fact in his first week of grade 1 he actually asked the teacher's permission to stand up in front of the class to tell jokes! Never mind that the jokes were not very funny (no hopes of him being the next Joey Rasdien I'm afraid!), but he did it and it was no big deal. I thought maybe he would be a little bit nervous seeing that this was an official school assessment...but he wasn't...not in the least!

So I asked him to think about what he wanted to say about his family, I would write it down for him and then he could sit with the paper and memorize it. This is what he came up with:

My Family

My daddy's name is Yaasier, he is very handsome.
I like to give him hugs and kisses.
I like to play cricket with him.
My mommy's name is Tasneem
She is very pretty.
She takes good care of us.
My sister's name is Sumayah.
She is 2 years old
My baby brother's name is Yusuf.
He is 2 months old.
I love my family very much.

Sweet and short :)

1 comment:

    "He is very handsome" hahaaaaaa
