Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What's on your blogging mind?

I have been playing around with the idea of blogging for quite some time, but it was only with some encouragement from a couple of friends that I actually decided to put myself out there. 'Cos that's exactly what blogging is after all... put your personal self out there. So why decide to blog and how did I choose my topic of interest? Well I realised one day when I was updating my status on facebook and twitter... all my status seems to involve is well... the kids. And then I thought, well most moms could probably relate to that... you become a mom and all other interests and happenings take a back seat. So it made sense to blog about my experiences as a mum. Now let's see if I can actually maintain this fete... yes I am fully aware of how time consuming this can actually be... wish me luck!


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